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RPDS Zero:

Do you want to add velocity to your fastball, bat speed to your swing & improve your sprint time ?

Do you struggle to fit in work, study, baseball training?

Do you think there’s no time for MORE training?

Do you not have time to get to the gym?

If you answered YES to these questions, then we have the program for you.

RPDS Zero:

Zero requires nothing more than a J-Band, a baseball bat and your body weight and in one month is guaranteed to add 2-3mph to your fastball, 3-5mph to your bat speed and reduce your 60 yard dash time by 0.2s or your money back.

What you get:

  • A 4 day per week program to complete for 1 month
  • Video demonstration with sets & reps
  • Explanation of what the exercise targets and key coaching points to ensure proper execution
  • All this for $49.99 (but since you have lifetime access to the program, it’s actually much less than that!)
If this sounds like the right program for you, click the button below to Zero in and become a 5 tool player


The Rotational Power Development System: Zero
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